ABY Announcements Apr 10th

Al Salamu Alykom dear parents,, Announcement for April 10th .2020 We hope this reaches you in the best of health and Imaan, we have compiled the time table for all zoom sessions (levels C, D, E and F) and you can access the sessions for your children from there inshaa...

ABY Announcements Nov 2nd

SA Dear Parents, Announcement for November 2nd .2019 Please be advised that clock will be changed today November 2nd , 2019 , School will be at same time (11:00 am) on the new clock ABY school will be off on November 10th , 2019 ABY...

ABY Announcements Sep 10th

Dear Parents, Thank you for your patience and help during the first day of ABY school, and we do have a few announcement Lunch: Please remember to pack lunch for your child or give him\her money to buy lunch from school (Cost of the lunch is $1.50). Dismissal Time:...