1. Be on time to class
  2. Present yourself in good Islamic manner
  3. Respect and be considerate to others
  4. Be attentive in class and in Salah (for girl, please make sure they bring their own prayer set including hijab and skirt)
  5. Complete homework on time
  6. Dress modestly in Islamic manner
  7. Keep your hands to yourself and raise your hand if you would like to talk
  8. Do not use foul language
  9. Cell phones must be silent and out of view during the school hours
  10. Please keep mask on at all times
  11. Please inform me if your child has any allergies and/or specific medically necessary accommodations
  12. Do not eat/drink/chew gum during class
  13. Do not bring games or unrelated books to class


**** Students may bring their own lunch or the school offer lunch, $1.00 for (pizza) or $2.00(pizza, drink and snack).


Sr. Fatehia Gabr